South Africa: Euphoria and survival

03/11/2013 09:19

What did you do today?

Me, I jumped out of a plane at 12,000 feet and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I literally cannot find the words to describe it all. The main feeling was just that seeing a bloke fling himself out of a moving plane when it's moving high enough to see the curviture of the earth is JUST WRONG!! It was so psychologically difficult to dangle my entire body out of the door and just hang there whilst the guy strapped to my back waited to push us out into the waiting nothingness. The first thing that hit me was the speed - within millliseconds we were freefalling at 150 mph. The second thing was thge sheer feeling of being unsupported in air, like nothing else I've ever experienced. The third thing I thought of was what my stupid face looked like for the camera pointing directly into it.

I can't tell you what was going through my head as we fell, because I really cant remember, I'm pretty sure nothing was! For the first time ever I was just enjoying the experience without second guessing and unrelated meanderings. Before long (which turned out to be after falling 7000 feet!) we hit thr clouds and deployed the parachute and owwww! I thought I was going to be suffiocated by my own boobs in the harness as we got jerked up. Then several moments floating around mid-cloud which just felt like being in a dream world, there is nothing but mist to left, right, above and below - so surreal! Then the real world emerged from the clouds and what a view! I saw Jess floating down just above us and waved. Then I stupidly asked the tandem guy to do something fun, and he did some mental loop the loops which felt like my feet were going to drop off but was hilarious.

Eventually we made an exceptionally smooth landing where I even managed to stay on my feet, then it was all over.