South Africa: Big brother is watching

17/11/2013 09:04

I am going steadily crazy.

I am living with utter nutjobs. They are driving me mad.

There are 9 volunteers at the moment and there is a clear split between the olds and the young ones. The old ones are one bizarre English cat lady (65, single, has names for her inanimate objects, hates any person under the age of 40), and two American men (also 65, obnoxious, condescending, no self awareness or social skills). They are all obsessed with photography and all carry round outrageously large camera lenses whenever we go out. Honestly, whenever they see so much as a pigeon in the distance it sounds like we're on the red carpet at the oscars, they are ridiculous, the noise also tends to scare the animals away. They also whine a lot about how rubbish they think it is here in comparison with all the other supposedly fabulous places they've been. We find ourselves constantly thinking why on earth are they here then??!
The young ones are 3 Brits and 3 Germans, one of the British girls, Jess, is pretty cool and we find ourselves laughing hysterically most of the time. The other Brit, Kate, is nice but quite slow and I find myself losing patience with her when she still doesn't understand the rules to a card game even after we've been playing it for over an hour.

Because the house is in the middle of the reserve once we're dropped off we cannot leave, we can pace the grounds as much as we like but we cant go outside the fence. The house suddenly feels very small, and I can imagine what it's like to be a contestant in Big Brother. If I'm honest I've started talking to the mirrors and pretending that there are cameras behind them, just to amuse myself. I'm trying to concentrate on the work we're doing and try not to go totally insane, but it might be too late...